Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Five People You Meet in Hell

Here is a short scene I wrote for my Creative Writing class. The title doesn't really makes sense unless I was to write out the rest of the story I have in my head, which plays out to be basically Five People You Meet in Heaven, but in Hell.

Man Committing Suicide – Charles

Devil Over Shoulder – Hunter

Angel Over Shoulder – Joe


Charles is sitting by himself at the table of his dimly lit apartment. He’s strung out on meth and extremely drunk. A loaded pistol lays on the table, and a ¾ consumed bottle of whiskey sits next to it.

Charles, sounding hopeless: Man, why do I even try anymore? I can’t pay rent, my wife left me, and I’m probably going to lose my job. I think it’s time for me to end my life.


Angel appears.

Angel- Don’t do it! Just because your life is going bad, it doesn’t mean that will always be the case.


Devil appears in the kitchen.

Devil- Haha, what’s the problem? I don’t see what you’ve got going for you. You have no family, you’re about to lose your apartment, and you’re a degenerate druggy. Off yourself!

Charles, sounding confused and scared- W-what!? Who are you guys?

Angel- I’m your conscience. Lately you’ve been ignoring me and that needs to stop! (gesturing towards Devil) This smug basta-

Devil- Shut up! I’m your devil over your shoulder. If you’ve ever done anything fun, it was my idea.

Angel- Look at where that got him!

Charles- Whoa guys, (stepping back) stop! I don’t know what I’m going to do, but you’re not helping.

Devil- What’s there to think about? You’re a loser.

Angel- Stop that! Man, you’re going to be fine. You just need to clean up and get yourself back on track.

Charles-You know what, I think you’re right. I’m done with this stuff.

Devil (Angrily)- Damn it, no!

Devil pushes the Angel and grabs for the gun.

Angel- What are you doing?! No!!

Charles- Oh god no man, please no!

Devil, pointing the gun at Charles- You’re doing this now, whether you want to or not!

Charles slumps over onto the table, dead.

The lights go out, and when they come back on, the Angel and Devil are gone, and Charles now has the gun in his hand with it pointed into his mouth. He pulls the trigger.

The End.

Monday, November 16, 2009

Breathing New Life Into A Neglected Blog

Recently I've been an emotional wreck and have been rather negative. I've decided that's just really not who I am. Starting tonight I'm going to go back to being the most positive damned person in the world. Starting tomorrow I'm also going to start using this blog to post original stories. The majority of these will be written for my creative writing class, but who knows... Maybe I'll get myself into writing more! With the conspicuous lack of my doing anything lately it may become habit.